All Kansas residents have access to thousands of free digital books and audiobooks! The sources in the first two sections below require a Kansas Library eCard – drop by the library to sign up, and start reading or listening!

Books from the last section are free to everyone any time, no card required.

Which ones are compatible with your device?
Getting started – information for first-time users

eBooks & Audio
CloudCloud LibraryNow includes audiobooks! Fiction & nonfiction for all ages
Enki Enki Library – Wide variety, includes self-published
FreadingFreading – Fiction & nonfiction for all ages
ComicsPlus-AllComics Plus – Comics, graphic novels & manga for kids through adults

First, create an account: Log in using your Kansas Library eCard, then click the Sign Up Here button.

Just for Kids
Britannica EStaxBritannica E-stax – Nonfiction and activities for kids
BookFlixBookFlix – Paired storybook and nonfiction. Click to play online now!
ComicsPlus-AllComics Plus Kids – Comics, graphic novels & manga for kids ages 5 – 14

First, create an account: Log in using your Kansas Library eCard, then click the Sign Up Here button.

Free to Everyone, Anywhere (Kansas Library eCard not required)
FREE GutenbergProject Gutenberg – Classic literature
LibrivoxLibriVox – Classic literature on audio, read by volunteers
FREE UniteUnite for Literacy – Picture ebooks with audio