We’re introducing Boulder the Bear to our PreK-5th summer reading participants next week. Beginning June 10, we will feature “Where’s Boulder the Bear?” every Monday at 9:00 a.m. from June 10 – July 8 by posting a picture of Boulder on our Facebook page and website as he adventures about Douglass. Kiddos may pick up a tracking sheet at the library and keep track of their weekly guess about Boulder’s location. Sheets may be turned in each week at the library. Participants will receive one summer reading buck for an incorrect guess and three summer reading bucks for a correct guess. “Mum’s the Word” teens and adults! Let’s encourage these kiddos to earn those bucks with their own effort.
Summer Reading in Full Swing Next Week
Lots of Fun at Kickoff Party!
Thank you for attending the Summer Reading Kickoff Party. Kids experienced lots of fun outdoor activities. The adventure begins June 4 with craft projects for PreK -5th children.